All the data. All the time.
Cloud Security Data Lake
Gather and retain all the cloud and SaaS forensic data you need for investigation in a single pane of glass.

Designed by Mitiga's cloud investigation experts.
Built on:

With integrations that span the
world's leading SaaS solutions, including:
With integrations that span the world's leading SaaS solutions, including:
Containing cloud complexity to power your investigations
Mitiga amasses, enriches, and analyzes logs from all across your cloud and SaaS estate, so data isn't only accessible—it's actionable.

With nearly 100 cloud and SaaS adapters, Mitiga provides the industry's broadest cloud visibility to power investigation.
Store up to three years of cloud and SaaS log history, with no limits on the amount of data you can collect.
No more checking each cloud provider by hand to ensure consistent data collection; it's all on Mitiga's platform.
Mitiga’s data engineers prepare, host and monitor log collection continuously, so you know you'll always have your logs at the ready.